The Power of the Sketchbook

Alison’s sketch-book has always been an essential part of her personal hand-bag.  Whether living in Finland or during her many travelling expeditions, Alison’s sketch-book has been a powerful tool and a talisman.   It is a simple means to communicate, share ideas and cultivate friendships with all cultures.

Genya watching Alison draw
Faces of Chukotka, Russian Far East
Verkhoturova Island, Russia
Sergei from Bering Island, Russia
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (PK) Harbour, Kamchatka, Russia
Abandoned Russian military outpost
Drawing on drift-wood, Kuril Island, Russia
Tongsa Dzong, Bhutan 2018
Trekking in Nepal
Meeting Tibetan musician Loten Namling, Nepal 2018